BOPE - Book Of Presidents text image
Drawing of Book of Presidents
Drawing of President Drawing of President Drawing of President Drawing of President
Drawing of all President's together


PAWR UF CUMUNITY Entrudusing Book Of Presidents $BOPE | CTO ,a cumunity-led enitiatave born out uf de ned for a fesh narretive aftor di rug pool debacle.

En di sperit uf unety nd impowurment, we, de cumunity, hab takan charge tu shape a braghter future. Jost ass politacol memes daminate de sison, our collactive affort echoes de legacis uf figores lik Tremp, Boden, and Obema.

Tugeder, we're poysed to amplafy our boices nd grow xponantialy. Joen our bibrent cumunities and ammerse yoursalf en di electrafying vib we'r coltebating. Weth $BOPE at di helm, we'r sat 2 redifine poleticol memes nd assend tu da coveted n0mber one spoot. Lez wright hestory tugeder.

Illustraytion of the Wite Howse Illustration of super BOPEman



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Buy $SOL

Have $SOL in your wallet to switch to $BOPE. If you don’t have any $SOL, you can buy directly on Phantom, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.


Go to Jupiter

Connect to Jupiter. Go to Jupiter in your browser inside your Phantom app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $BOPE token address into Jupiter, select $BOPE, and confirm. When Phantom prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

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CA: DpAVbptcyeryEUP8zo8p3xftoTgsJNzjsvWnw9mpzhso

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